A Williams Little Chief backglass came to the shop for restoration. Steve did a wonderful job, check out the before and after pictures.
Month: June 2015
We did this glass some time ago, but forgot to blog it on the site. So here’s the pictures of the restored glass in both English and German versions. Unfortunately we don’t have a “before” picture, sorry.
The 1960s Chicago Coin Yankee baseball pitch and bat backglass came into the shop for restoration. The original was pretty faded. The restored version is much brighter. Check out the before and after pictures.
Here’s a pretty rare glass that we restored. The Gottlieb “New York” pinball is basically Pinoneer made for the New York market (with some subtle rule changes.) Glass came to the shop for restoration. Check out the before and after pictures below.
We have gotten a lot of requests to restore the Williams Flash pinball backglass lately. Well it’s finally happened. Check out the before and after pics below.
The 1960s Gottlieb Happy Clown came to the shop for restoration. Check out the before and after pictures below.
We have been getting requests to restore the wedgehead Gottlieb Top Card backglass. We were finally able to get a good scan of a decent original glass, so this restoration is now available. Check out the before and after pictures below.
This four player Gottlieb Oklahoma pinball backglass came into the shop for restoration. Man was this original glass a freakin mess! Steve worked incredibly hard to make this into a good, clean restoration. Came out really well, it was a lot of work. Check out the before and after pictures below.
The wedgehead Gottlieb King Pin pinball backglass came into the shop for restoration. Luckily the original glass wasn’t in terrible condition so this restoration went pretty quick. Check out the before and after pics below.